2016 Harness Heroes cards are on their way
from the Harness Horse Youth Foundation
The Harness Horse Youth Foundation’s 2016 set of Harness Heroes trading cards is now available. All pre-ordered sets have been mailed.
This year’s 35-card featured equine stars are Wiggle It Jiggleit (Horse of the Year), Trotter of the Year Pinkman, State Treasurer, Mission Brief, Southwind Frank and Bee A Magician. Human honorees include Sylvain Filion, David Miller, Bruce Nickells, Dr. Ian Moore, Jimmy Takter and Montrell Teague among others.
In fact, all 2015 equine divisional winners in the United States and Canada are featured, as are most of the top award-winning human stars of the sport. The front of each card features a photograph while the back includes stats and biographical information, just like a baseball card would.
To order your set of Harness Heroes cards, send a (suggested) donation of $15 ($25 Canadian) per set, to Harness Horse Youth Foundation, 16575 Carey Rd., Westfield, IN 46074. A limited number of previous years’ Harness Heroes card sets are available for a similar donation. For more details, e-mail Ellen@hhyf.org.
Celebrating 40 years of youth education and service to harness racing, the Harness Horse Youth Foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing young people and their families educational opportunities with harness horses, in order to foster the next generation of participants and fans. The Foundation makes a difference in young people’s lives through interactive learning experiences with these versatile animals, scholarship programs, and creation and distribution of educational materials.
For more information on opportunities through HHYF, or to support its mission, go to www.hhyf.org.